Sunday, June 7, 2015

6 Months Out

Well here I am, almost 6 months since the slip and fall that changed my life. I tried doing yoga and I am so ungainly and out of shape. It made me realize I have a long road still.
My last check up with the surgeon revealed that my bones look great BUT my ankle is still swollen, stiff, and my arch has fallen.
I could scream I am so frustrated. The nurse told me it was a year before she got back to where she was before, Of course I am now also a huge, fat whale...which doesn't help. It's a vicious cycle and I think I need to starve myself out of it.
Oh, and I have a cold.
I guess things could always be worse but summer colds really, really suck.
But I will survive this, too.
I always do!

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