Friday, January 30, 2015

Torture. Sheer Torture.

I don't know what's worse. The splint that weighed 50 lbs. or the Frankenstein boot I have now that weighs 30 lbs. and pinches like a blue claw crab. Torture.
Torture was having to look at what is going to be a huge scar on my ankle. It was getting all those staples pulled out and trying not to cry because my foot looks like a truck ran over it.
Torture is having to get people to do the laundry. Seriously. I'm down to one more pair of pants that I can get on and it's way too cold to wear a dress.
Torture is having my nail tips fall off one by one since I can't get them refilled.
Torture is daytime TV programs. I think I might be losing IQ points.
Torture is being stuck inside with no fresh air.
Torture is being in here and seeing my brand new vehicle outside when I can't drive it!
Yes, all first world problems but that's where I live.

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